Thank you

And to all my Aunts and Uncles and Cousins, thank you very much for everything It has been really great catching up with you all and meeting the new additions to the family.

Congratulations to all the clever young people who got such fantastic exam results. There are definitely some brain-boxes in the family, and although I think there is something in the genes, I am sure all the hard work and study was a major contribution. Well done.

A big thank you to Nicky for taking us around to see everyone. And thanks for a great night out with the girls for your birthday celebrations.

Thanks to all who had us to stay, who fed us and spent time with us talking about the family history. Paul and I had a great time, you all made us feel so welcome. It has been wonderful to be able to meet you and to get to know you a little better.

Here is a photo of “Windy Pike Farm” where Richard Henry Wooler snr farmed with his wife Lizzie Furnish Webster before he retired to Airton and where his children Stephen, Richard, Ethel and Thomas lived in the first years of their lives.

Windy Pike Farm House

And here is the fantastic view from Windy Pike over to Malham Cove. It was the day of Malham show – lovely and sunny for once

View from Windy Pike

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